Infinite Love:

God’s love for us is beyond measure. His ultimate gift to humanity, His Son, Jesus Christ, embodies that love and plays a central role in His plan for our happiness.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” —John 3:16

Love for All:

God’s love extends to each of us unconditionally. As the father of our spirits, we are His beloved children. He desires a personal connection with each individual, hoping that we come to know and love Him.

The Gift of Jesus:

Understanding the challenges and uncertainties of life, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth. Despite knowing we would make mistakes, Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. His teachings guide us on the right path, and His selfless sacrifice atones for our sins. He stands as our compassionate Savior and Redeemer.

Believe and Follow:

During His time on Earth, Jesus taught a simple gospel. Believing in Him, repenting of our sins, and being baptized lead to forgiveness. It is through Jesus’s sacrifice that this becomes possible.

Eternal Promise:

Life doesn’t end with death; resurrection awaits us all. God promises that if we love Him, believe, and follow Jesus’s gospel, we can return to live with Him after death. God’s love aims for our happiness now and throughout eternity.

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